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GS-35B Hombrew HF Amp

GS-35B Homebrew 1 (118K)

I made the decals on the front panel myself using Meter Meter Dial Program
by Jim Tonne, and Microsoft Paint Shop Pro X4 on full page mailing labels.

GS-35B Homebrew2 (115K)

This is a picture of the bottom of the amp, showing all the control relays
TR relay, the filament and cathode clamps, and bias conections I only need.
fillament choke and the red wire conects to the alc board when I build it.

GS-35B Homebrew 3 (108K)

This is a picture looking down through the chimney of the tube, it shows
the high voltage clamp, the plate choke, the vhf choke and the 10/15/20 meter
tank coil, and the parasitic choke.

GS-35B Homebrew 4 (150K)

This is a picture of the back of the amp, showing the antenna conectors, alc and.
relay conectors and back of the main tank coil and power supply conector.

GS-35B Homebrew 5 (135K)

This is a picture looking down from the top of the amp, it shows the entire tank
circuit, tube chimney and metering circuit board that I built..

GS-35B Homebrew 6 (125K)

This picture is a closer look of the cathode compartment,and input drive conections.

phonesymbol2 (12K)
virticle Space2 (10K)
phonesymbol2 (12K)
phonesymbol2 (12K)icons8-america-filled-50 (7K)phonesymbol2 (12K)601 VanZandt County Road 3812 phonesymbol2 (12K)Wills Point, Tx. 75169
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phonesymbol2 (12K)icons8-secured-letter-filled-50 (7K)phonesymbol2 (12K)
phonesymbol2 (12K)
phonesymbol2 (12K)icons8-phone-52 (4) (7K)phonesymbol2 (12K)(903)-873-3135

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